Hey! I am

Deepan K S

I'm < />


About Me

I am a Science enthusiast and communicator. I want to explore the reality with emperical evidence, come up with mathematically sound models to explain observed events.

  • Name: Deepan K S
  • Date of birth: September 11, 2002
  • Address: Mega Towers 2, NITK , Surathkal, India
  • Email: deepanks.201ee218@nitk.edu.in
  • Phone: +91-7975678592

Formal Education

NIT Surathkal logo
2020-2024 batch

B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

NIT Surathkal

I graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka. Also, I completed a BTech Minor degree in Mathematical and Computational Sciences.

HAL Public School Logo

High School

HAL Public School, Bangalore

Completed High school with 95% from HAL Public school in CBSE board

Job Experience

Web enthusiast club nitk logo
Jan 2022 - Present

Web enthusiast club

Algorithms sig
  • organising contests
  • mentoring juniors
Roto club Nitk chapter logo
Jan 2022 - Present

Rotary club NITK chapter

part of Roto Tech team
  • web dev team
  • idea contributer for projects

My Personal Journey

From an early age, I found myself surrounded by various forms of pseudoscience, which often left me feeling confused and misled. This experience ignited a deep desire within me to seek the truth and understand the world through a more reliable lens. As I grew older, I realized that the best way to counter misinformation and unfounded claims was through analytical and rational thinking. My journey into the realm of critical thinking began with a voracious appetite for knowledge. I immersed myself in scientific literature, logical reasoning, and evidence-based practices. Each discovery fortified my resolve to distinguish between what is real and what is merely speculation. Over time, this commitment to rationality not only reshaped my worldview but also became a cornerstone of my personal and professional life. It guided me in making informed decisions, fostering a sense of clarity and purpose. Embracing analytical thinking has not only helped me navigate the complexities of the modern world but has also empowered me to help others see through the fog of pseudoscience. Today, I continue to advocate for critical thinking and evidence-based approaches in all areas of life. My journey is a testament to the transformative power of a curious mind and the relentless pursuit of truth.

The Human Crisis

Humanity is facing a crisis that needs immediate attention. Planet Earth has reached a state where coexistence and harmony are vital for survival. It is imperative that we set aside our differences and unite for the future of our planet!






Frontend Development



Edx Logo
November, 2021

Python basics for Data science

by IBM on Edx

Learned essential python needed for data science like lists,tuples , pandas , APIs , web scrapping.

Coursera Logo
December, 2021

Foundations : Data , Data everywhere : 1st course under Google data analytics certification

offered by Google on Coursera

Learned basics of data analytics , data bases , spreadsheets and how data analytics impacts businesses in making data driven decisions.

Coursera Logo
November , 2021

Asking effective questions : 2nd course under Google data analytics certification

offered by Google on Coursera

Learned effective questioning skills taking into considerations various conditions and parameters.

Coursera Logo
December, 2021

Data visualization

by Harvard on Edx

Learned different data visualization techniques in R studios.

Areas of interest



My Projects

Quality >> Quantity.

* Roto donations App

* Suduko Player

* Shortest Path Finder


Contact Me

Always available to connect.


MT2 hostel , NITK, Surathkal

Contact Number


Email Address



Deepan K S